Especially the topic AIDS and cinema is meaningful to me. Was not aware of that.
Almost the same with the fraud about AZT and AIDS. Only read once about that before.
What's astonishing me is the infection fatality rate of 2% you mention.
My knowledge about that point is different.
In April of 2020 Prof. Hendrik Streeck conducted a study in the village of Heinsberg in Germany. Heinsberg as media repeatedly reported at that time being known as the worst so called hotspot of 'Corona-Pandemie' in Germany. Prof Streeck did the mission on his own duty. He did an immune screening on all of the inhabitants of Heinsberg. Found out that much much more people had been infected with the virus than expected but as having had no symptoms didn't took notice of it at all.
His two major findings were: no infective virus was detectable on door knobs or any other surfaces. And second: infection fatality rate could definitely not be higher than 0,37 %.
Later in 2020 Prof. Ioannidis came up with a survey showing an infection fatality rate of 0,25 %.
I suppose there were special parameters being brought to work aiming to the goal of depicting a higher infection fatality rate in order to scare people. In Britain and USA tens of thousands of elderly people were killed by doctors using overdoses of remdesivir and midazolam - in order to get higher numbers of covid deaths. In almost every country of the world nonsense counting was practised. For example: being killed in a car crash and having had a positive fake-PCR Test six weeks before (without any symptoms) = one more 'covid-death' to the statistics.
Hospitals receiving much more money for treating covid patients surely ended up as well in higher numbers of 'covid-deaths' .
A nice of mine reported a case in hospital she worked at where a PCR-test was driven up to a CT of 51 in order to get the desired result...
Wanted to bring this to your attention. Hope you are not offended by what I am writing.
Wouldn't it be nice if Fauci and his comrades in high crimes were held accountable for what they did to innocent people during the AIDS crisis as well as Covid 19? Plus all these experts in peddling actual misinformation.
Excellent article. I couldn’t understand the opposition of some doctors in positions to the use of repurposed medicines in Covid, particularly in the early days of the infection of an individual. Here are a few questions to them, they should answer on professional grounds.
1. Where in the medical world is written that a new virus has to be treated only by a new anti viral, even if the early symptoms are largely familiar ? Familiar symptoms can be treated early by familiar medicines, no matter which is the virus that has caused them.
2. Their first lesson in their medical school was “prevention was better than cure”. By treating the symptoms, are we not giving the body half the relief, so that it can fully focus on eliminating the virus ? What is wrong with that ?
3. How can the patients be pushed into unfamiliar illness, many of them, without making an attempt to treat and help them in the early days ? What kind of medical ethics is this ?
4. Did they not know that as far back as 2017 (could be earlier too) that published work existed about the suitability of many known medicines from different indication for being anti viral (additionally) against RNA viruses by virtue of their shared chemical structure features and those group of drugs were called Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs ( CADs), which included the likes of Azithromycin, Levocetrizine etc. ? Yes, Azithromycin was anti viral too.
5. Where in the world is written that the spread can be stopped only by mass vaccinations and the suffering have to be endured until vaccines were available ? Could they not envisage a scenario, where stopping the viral load in an individual in a family at low levels by quick symptomatic treatments could also stop him from being a spreader in the family ? What can then happen is very unique. Other family members don’t get the infection from the first, but also get natural immunity from passive exposure to low levels of the virus. Over thousands of households, this is simply creation of herd immunity in the society. The spread stops. Without drawing the entire population into the vaccine conundrum ( later when vaccines were available). Just at the cost of a few dollars per family, only those families getting their first infected, not all families - they get the better quality natural immunity for free. Why did not these doctors sit down and write out the flow chart of possibilities if early medicinal intervention to the symptoms is given ?
This pandemic was first and foremost a collective clinical failure which included acts of wanton obstruction of a few among the doctors who were quickly alert to the clinical needs.
Thank you for this. I lived through the Dallas Buyers' Club era. I was one of those Americans flying overseas, to get the drugs which were not permitted in the USA, to help a family member. In my case, the drug was AL 721, a powerful anti-viral compound made from egg lipids which is completely unknown today. Most of these alternative treatments worked better than AZT, which is how Woodroof was able to live for seven more years.
Dear Filipe Rafaeli,
thank you for sharing this text.
Especially the topic AIDS and cinema is meaningful to me. Was not aware of that.
Almost the same with the fraud about AZT and AIDS. Only read once about that before.
What's astonishing me is the infection fatality rate of 2% you mention.
My knowledge about that point is different.
In April of 2020 Prof. Hendrik Streeck conducted a study in the village of Heinsberg in Germany. Heinsberg as media repeatedly reported at that time being known as the worst so called hotspot of 'Corona-Pandemie' in Germany. Prof Streeck did the mission on his own duty. He did an immune screening on all of the inhabitants of Heinsberg. Found out that much much more people had been infected with the virus than expected but as having had no symptoms didn't took notice of it at all.
His two major findings were: no infective virus was detectable on door knobs or any other surfaces. And second: infection fatality rate could definitely not be higher than 0,37 %.
Later in 2020 Prof. Ioannidis came up with a survey showing an infection fatality rate of 0,25 %.
I suppose there were special parameters being brought to work aiming to the goal of depicting a higher infection fatality rate in order to scare people. In Britain and USA tens of thousands of elderly people were killed by doctors using overdoses of remdesivir and midazolam - in order to get higher numbers of covid deaths. In almost every country of the world nonsense counting was practised. For example: being killed in a car crash and having had a positive fake-PCR Test six weeks before (without any symptoms) = one more 'covid-death' to the statistics.
Hospitals receiving much more money for treating covid patients surely ended up as well in higher numbers of 'covid-deaths' .
A nice of mine reported a case in hospital she worked at where a PCR-test was driven up to a CT of 51 in order to get the desired result...
Wanted to bring this to your attention. Hope you are not offended by what I am writing.
kind regards
Dear Steffan,
I read your consideration that the mortality rate cannot exceed 0.37%.
The official numbers from Brazil today are:
203 million inhabitants.
The official number of deaths is 712 thousand.
Therefore, I arrive at 0.35%.
But that would be if absolutely everyone had contracted COVID, which is not true.
And this is beyond Professor Ioannidis' estimate of 0.25%.
Thanks for your comment, and obviously not offended!
Wouldn't it be nice if Fauci and his comrades in high crimes were held accountable for what they did to innocent people during the AIDS crisis as well as Covid 19? Plus all these experts in peddling actual misinformation.
Excellent article. I couldn’t understand the opposition of some doctors in positions to the use of repurposed medicines in Covid, particularly in the early days of the infection of an individual. Here are a few questions to them, they should answer on professional grounds.
1. Where in the medical world is written that a new virus has to be treated only by a new anti viral, even if the early symptoms are largely familiar ? Familiar symptoms can be treated early by familiar medicines, no matter which is the virus that has caused them.
2. Their first lesson in their medical school was “prevention was better than cure”. By treating the symptoms, are we not giving the body half the relief, so that it can fully focus on eliminating the virus ? What is wrong with that ?
3. How can the patients be pushed into unfamiliar illness, many of them, without making an attempt to treat and help them in the early days ? What kind of medical ethics is this ?
4. Did they not know that as far back as 2017 (could be earlier too) that published work existed about the suitability of many known medicines from different indication for being anti viral (additionally) against RNA viruses by virtue of their shared chemical structure features and those group of drugs were called Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs ( CADs), which included the likes of Azithromycin, Levocetrizine etc. ? Yes, Azithromycin was anti viral too.
5. Where in the world is written that the spread can be stopped only by mass vaccinations and the suffering have to be endured until vaccines were available ? Could they not envisage a scenario, where stopping the viral load in an individual in a family at low levels by quick symptomatic treatments could also stop him from being a spreader in the family ? What can then happen is very unique. Other family members don’t get the infection from the first, but also get natural immunity from passive exposure to low levels of the virus. Over thousands of households, this is simply creation of herd immunity in the society. The spread stops. Without drawing the entire population into the vaccine conundrum ( later when vaccines were available). Just at the cost of a few dollars per family, only those families getting their first infected, not all families - they get the better quality natural immunity for free. Why did not these doctors sit down and write out the flow chart of possibilities if early medicinal intervention to the symptoms is given ?
This pandemic was first and foremost a collective clinical failure which included acts of wanton obstruction of a few among the doctors who were quickly alert to the clinical needs.
Excellent article. Thank you.
Thanks! :-)
Spot on!
Thank you for this. I lived through the Dallas Buyers' Club era. I was one of those Americans flying overseas, to get the drugs which were not permitted in the USA, to help a family member. In my case, the drug was AL 721, a powerful anti-viral compound made from egg lipids which is completely unknown today. Most of these alternative treatments worked better than AZT, which is how Woodroof was able to live for seven more years.