31 Comentários

Superb, Filipe! The acrobatic pilot is one of the best epidemiologists I know! 👏

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You phrase your argument in an interesting way.

Smoking gun

In January, 2020, the CDC recommending treating high risk influenza patients early with antivirals--even before lab results came back.

In February, 2020, the FDA recommended withholding early treatment of the antiviral HCQ from everyone, including high risk covid patients--HCQ was recommended only for hospitalized patients.

This does not compute. Do the CDC and FDA not talk to each other? Why should early treatment with the antiviral HCQ be withheld from high risk patients in the case of covid, but antivirals should not be withheld from high risk patients in the case of influenza? Influenza, which is supposedly far less deadly than covid, was to be treated on suspicion, but covid was NOT to be treated on suspicion???

Where has the FDA ever issued a rationale for this recommendation? And why did the CDC never question the FDA's recommendation?

I agree with you. I don't think that the problem with the public health organizations is incompetence.

pharma $$$

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This has to be one of the most in-depth, on-point summaries, including a breadth of research, collation of facts, and with bullet-point smart, thoughtful connections of truisms that I've read on the issue. And I'm thinking, clearly, you don't have children! The time and effort to pull a piece like this together. (Not to mention you also fly acrobatics!) I could hardly pull that above sentence together at 11pm, exhausted from parenting, life, and the pandemic itself! Thank you! I plan on sharing …. as I begin to come out of the closet offering my personal position of “believing” the facts. This last week, in preparation to support said facts, (and starting with a letter to a Congressional representative,) I have been trying to collate the many aspects of our country’s pandemic lies and manipulations of facts, and to encapsulate the totality of harm being done to humankind… and I become immediately overwhelmed. Because sadly, there's just so many. And to that point, I certainly appreciate that your piece here, of course, only covers but a slice of the whole distorted story! What stands out to me, even more now than ever after reading it, is just how many people—big pharma players, government overseers, doctors, scientists, patients—are keeping quiet about these facts. It’s astonishing when you think about it. Just think of exactly how many people are complicit in the harm. How many could have spoken up sooner sharing “the facts,' firsthand. And again, these are just those individuals involved in your cited studies and examples you offer for this part of the pandemic story. Just how many people could have been saved. I’m talking about vaccinated people, and small business owners, and our nation's children, all harmed by these false narratives that everyone is so willing to accept. Brainwashed? Mass fear? Just plain dumb? After listening to Mark McDonald on Mercola, and reading your piece here, I feel more inspired, emboldened and determined to have my say. Outloud. Bravo! And again, many thanks. (For doing the hard work for me!)

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Hello Susan, I really appreciate your words! Good to know it helped! Filipe

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Very detailed yet readable--thorough. I received death threats over a year ago for stating the obvious: HCQ (and any viable treatment) for the Wuhan virus cannot be acknowledged without leading to an end to the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), and, thus, the entire vaccine campaign. This is the rational, and only, explanation for this otherwise anti-science, utterly counterproductive attack on hydroxychloroquine.

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Hello Dr Mark, I see this message only now. Thank you. I am very glad you like it.

Know that I am a fan of your work and your articles. Your approaches, always original, are amazing.

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I appreciate your readership and support for my work.

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Such marvelous clarity; I don't undestand how I've not seen you before. Your Good German essay was excellent, but you explain the complicated pharma situation so incisively. Thanks.

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Thanks for the message, Cassandra!

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One of the most important pieces I've ever read. Superb work!

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Thanks for the well written article. In addition to its use for early treatment, HCQ is useful as an anti-inflammatory for treating those on ventilators. See discussion here:

Monday, February 1, 2021

Rapid identification of effective treatments for COVID-19.


Robert Clark

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Modern medicine has lost the sense of cause and effect. Everything causes everything. Nothing is permitted to "cause" cures. Non-approved treatments cause "placebo effects." And the worst, the absolute worst is cause of death. Motorcycle accidents cause "deaths from COVID." Competitive sports cause "death from myocarditis." And nobody dares to blink an eye - that could be a career limiting move.

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Hi Felipe,

I just read your article on Brownstone 'Chronicles of an unvaccinated leftist' - which I nearly scrolled by, but I am very glad I did not, because I find your writing honest, courageous and in pursuit of the truth-which is exactly what we need in a world gone mad. I just joined your subscriber list and started reading this article above and when I came to your comment about talking of Covid-treatments, and the frustrations it creates, I thought I would share something with you that might help.

Have you ever asked people 'What is Covid-19?'

The answers are usually 90% incorrect and reflect the disinformation and fear mongering about the alleged global pandemic, mostly driven by the bought and paid for media. People get this wrong because they confuse it with a virus, and still think the disease is some super scaring existential threat. By the definitions of the World Health Organization we can see this is all bullshit.

The alleged novel virus called SARS-CoV-2, is a coronavirus, which as do all coronaviruses on the first stage of infection and symptoms only creates one disease - the common cold - this is in all medical encyclopedias. If the common cold, flu, or influenza becomes really bad then it can go into our lungs and create inflammation that can lead to a bacterial coinfection which creates pneumonia.

The World Health Organization gave a unique name to the pneumonia that is found in conjunction with the one singular virus SARS-CoV-2, which is Covid-19 - this stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019, meaning pneumonia. Pneumonia!!!!!!!!

What is Covid19? It is pneumonia!!!!!!

So all the claims that 'There is no cure for Covid-19' is like saying 'There is no cure for pneumonia' - a blatant, monstrous and evil lie.

The standard treatment for pneumonia has been antibiotics since it was discovered in 1927 ten years after the Spanish Flu - combined with anti-virals to reduce viral load, and anti-inflammatories to reduce the inflammation created by viral infection, which creates the environment to boost bacterial coinfection. Standard treatment!!!! The only protocol added to this for Covid-19, aside from supplements like zinc and vitamin D, is anti-coagulants to help patients with blood clots if the virus had passed the lung-blood barrier and was circulating around the body, because the spike protein toxin creates micro-blood clotting.

Regarding the Spanish flu, Faucis 2008 NIH paper on cadavers of people that died from the Spanish Flu, showed the virus didn't do it, but that 97% of deaths from the Spanish flu were caused by bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia. Not the virus.

I have found that when you break the discussion of Covid-19 into its real elements, the common cold and pneumonia, and ask people have they been terrified of pneumonia all their lives, then it helps to bring people out of their fear based thinking.

Looking forward to reading your articles.


Ivan M. Paton

P.S. on support of HCQ - In two reports by the Chinese in early 2020 on the W.H.O. mission to China and their June 2020 white paper "Fighting Covid-19: China in Action" the Chinese doctors made it clear they were curing patients and sending them home alive, and one of the reasons for the Wuhan "success" was HCQ, which they used in huge numbers. Of course Xi Jinping ignored this and didn't tell the world, instead telling the world leaders at the G8 and G20 in 2020 to "fight the virus" with his lockdowns - that was when the real Covid-war against humanity began in earnest.

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As late as I am arriving at your article, I want to thank you so much for sharing what I consider one of the very best, if not the only, both a masterly survey of the research on hydroxycholoroquine as an early treatment for COVID-19 disease, but what is also a skilful and penetrating probe and critique of the human condition. Please accept my sincerest compliments and my earnest esteem.

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wow!! Thanks. Many thanks! Good to know you liked it!!! :-)

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Liked it?! I LOVED it!

I devoured the article without barely pausing for a breath, it was that intriguing, and so thoroughly- and well-reasoned, and so engagingly-written.

Please stay motivated to write and publish, and please maintain your prodigious sense of risk and benefit, not to mention your lighting-quick calculation speed in your determinations of them with your flying.

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Wow! Thanks again. What I can do is to invite you to read my another articles here.

I like this one.


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Great article! I’d like to read something similar on IVM

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Thanks for the article, Filipe.

Please correct the typo in this sentence, then erase this comment.


"In fact, with just over 400 patients at an average age of 40, i that is, outside the risk group..."

("i that is" sic)

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Thanks Alan! It is corrected!

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Another excellent piece, Filipe! Many, many thanks! (And yes, of course, I've re-posted it, with appropriate links, to my blog.) Take good care.

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Hello Norman! Thanks for reproducing the article! :-)

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The WHO, FDA, and other public health agencies have not made this risk-benefit analysis:

Since hospitalization, if it does happen, on avg. within 7 days, IF a drug really works on cutting it, we’ll know within days. WHO says IVM safe:

Mass treatment with ivermectin: an underutilized public health strategy.


So then test it in a large city.

That you could see a difference within days when used large scale is a stunning fact.

That the public health agencies can not see this huge benefit in comparison to minimal risk is utterly mystifying.

Robert Clark

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Quote in the conclusion of the study:

“Hydroxychloroquine did not substantially reduce symptom severity or prevalence over time in nonhospitalized persons with early COVID-19. This trial may not inform whether an effect would be observed in populations at higher risk for severe COVID-19. Further randomized controlled clinical trials are needed in early COVID-19.”

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50% lesse hospitalization. P-value 0.29.

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Among patients hospitalized with Covid-19, those who received hydroxychloroquine did not have a lower incidence of death at 28 days than those who received usual care.


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